Friday, November 28, 2008


Well, I have been sick the past three days. Fun for me. I could use (probably this applies always) to use my time constructively but screw it, I have been napping. But, as with most illness, napping is both good and bad, not really resting but fevered and disturbed.

But I am reading Jodi Picoults "Plain Truth" which has a great concept, but one of the main characters, Katie is so unappealing as a character. She seems determined to completely fuck her own life over. And not in a kool way, but in a stupid way, and the character is not "Meant" to be stupid. It is just irritating.

I have not been writing anything lately. The novels are kind of being ignored (hence the not using the time contructively) but I really should be writing more, so I could post more (at least it would be geting read.) Even poety, which I used to write one at least every day, have been left behind.

Motivation is the problem, depression and illness, conquer these and I can conquer anything.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, It has been an exhausting day. So many people at my desk that had no idea. But this is still what life is. I have the new iPhone 3G and must now spend all this time updating it is going to take me ages. Kaya visited today. She will be heading to spain, so jealous!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Weekend

This week has been pretty busy, with student orientation happening (I work where international student orientation happens every 5 weeks) and with results due and a KPI performance review. It was nasty. But then there is the weekend. Two days of silence and not stupid, pointless and moronic arguments. But, on Friday night, a possum broke into my wardrobe and managed to piss and shit all over my cloths,and other books and guitar that I had stored in there. So Saturday was 10 loads of washing, disinfectant, and other anti-possum measures. Of course, they are a protected species. So it is summer, very hot and humid and sticky, and I can no longer have my windows open due to a possum that insists that it needs to come in. Consequently, I have not been able to actually have a break. What the hell is the point?