Friday, November 28, 2008


Well, I have been sick the past three days. Fun for me. I could use (probably this applies always) to use my time constructively but screw it, I have been napping. But, as with most illness, napping is both good and bad, not really resting but fevered and disturbed.

But I am reading Jodi Picoults "Plain Truth" which has a great concept, but one of the main characters, Katie is so unappealing as a character. She seems determined to completely fuck her own life over. And not in a kool way, but in a stupid way, and the character is not "Meant" to be stupid. It is just irritating.

I have not been writing anything lately. The novels are kind of being ignored (hence the not using the time contructively) but I really should be writing more, so I could post more (at least it would be geting read.) Even poety, which I used to write one at least every day, have been left behind.

Motivation is the problem, depression and illness, conquer these and I can conquer anything.

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