Friday, July 16, 2010

Ok, so being that I am a card carrying member of the Zoo, I will TRY and not to continue to post about the zoo, but I did not really give the African Savannah much time. The Lions were asleep, as were the Sumatran Tigers in the Asian rain-forest. The most depressing exhibit by far was the Elephants. They are such elegant, large beautiful creatures, and are trapped in what are small exhibits, unable to cruise around. Perth Zoo has two females, and a male that is kept separate. It is so very sad. I remember a couple of years ago the debate between Dubbo Zoo and Taronga regarding the transfer of some Asian Elephants. Dubbo argued that they had the space to accommodate the Elephants need to walk that Taronga simply could not have. Taronga got the Elephants, in part because more people visited Taronga than Dubbo. But if the Elephants were at Dubbo, people would have gone. This reminded me of that, the Elephants unable to walk around, as there enclosure's were small. This is Tricia, the matriarch and the oldest of the three.

Also on display, the history of Zoo's and their treatment of Animals. This is not something that is Perth Zoo only, it is simply that they choose to exhibit history. These photos show the bear caves, which were tiny boxed in cages for exhibition purposes only.

On a lighter note though:

Near Simmo, the Estuarine Crocodile, are these cute Fairy Penguins. This is one of the few I got of them clearly swimming in the water. Some of them were in the middle of malting, so were half fuzzy, half sleek, kind of like teenagers. They were very adorable, and would wizz about and be all sweet and inquisitive even with all the people hanging around.

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